Seminar No.2078 Corings and algebras

创建时间:  2021/03/01  谭福平   浏览次数:   返回

Title: Corings and algebras

Speaker: Prof.  Steffen Koenig  ( Universität Stuttgart )

Time:  2021-3-4 (Thursday) 16:00

Zoom Conference :
Conference ID:699 324 53159, Password: 127378   

Inviter: Nan Gao

Abstract: Corings (also known as bocses) are generalisations of coalgebras. Corings can be constructed from certain embeddings of algebras. Conversely, there are algebras associated with corings. This allows to translate structure and properties from corings to algebras and vice versa. This will be illustrated in the context of quasi-hereditary algebras and exact Borel subalgebras. (Joint work with Julian Kuelshammer and Sergiy Ovsienko and with Tomasz Brzezinski and Julian Kuelshammer.)

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