Recent Publications


  1. He, Zhuoheng; Wang, Qing-Wen; Zhang, Yang. Simultaneous decomposition of quaternion matrices involving η-Hermicity with applications, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 298 (2017) 13-35.

  2. He, Zhuoheng; Wang, Qing-Wen. A System of periodic discrete-time coupled Sylvester quaternion matrix equations, Algebra Colloquium, 24 (2017) 169-180.

  3. Lin, Minghua. New properties for certain positive semidefinite matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 520 (2017) 32-43.

  4. Hiai, Fumio; Lin, Minghua. On an eigenvalue inequality involving the Hadamard product, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 515 (2017) 313-320.

  5. Lin, Minghua; Sun, Fangfang. A property of the geometric mean of accretive operators, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65 (2017) 433-437.

  6. Wang, Peng; Zhang, Li-Jie; Xu, Xin-Jian; Xiao, Gaoxi. Heuristic strategies for persuader selection in contagions on complex networks, PLoS ONE, 12 (2017) e0169771.

  7. Liu, Qiaohua; Wang, Minghui. On the weightingmethod formixed LS-TLS problems, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2017; e2094.

  8. Shi, Jun Shi; Zheng, Xiao; Li, Yan; Zhang, Qi; Ying, Shihui. Multimodal Neuroimaging Feature Learning with Multimodal Stacked Deep Polynomial Networks for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2017 Jan 19. doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2017.2655720.

  9. Liang, Zuosong; Shan, Erfang; Kang, Liying. The clique-transversal set problem in {claw,K4}-free planar graphs, Information Processing Letter, 118 (2017) 64-68.

  10. Zhang, Wei; Liu, Lele; Kang, Liying; Bai, Yanqin. Some properties of the spectral radius for general hypergraphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 513 (2017) 103-119.


  1. Wang, Qing-Wen; Rahman, Abdur; He, Zhuoheng; Zhang, Yang. Constraint generalized Sylvester matrix equations, Automatica, 69 (2016) 60-64.

  2. He, Zhuo-Heng; Agudelo, Oscar Mauricio; Wang, Qing-Wen; De Moor, Bart. Two-sided coupled generalized Sylvester matrix equations solving using a simultaneous decomposition for fifteen matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 496 (2016) 549-593.

  3. Farid, Farid. O.; He, Zhuo-Heng; Wang, Qing-Wen. The consistency and the exact solutions to a system of matrix equations, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 64 (2016) 2133-2158.

  4. Yuan, Shi-Fang; Wang, Qing-Wen. L-structured quaternion matrices and quaternion linear matrix equations, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 64 (2016) 321-339.

  5. Li, Lei; Wang, Qing-Wen; Shen, Shu-Qian; Li, Ming. Geometric measure of quantum discord with weak measurements, Quantum Information Processing, 15 (2016) 291-300.

  6. Li, Lei; Wang, Qing-Wen; Shen, Shu-Qian; Li, Ming. Measurement-induced nonlocality based on Wigner-Yanase skew information, EPL, 114 (2016) 10007, doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/114/10007.

  7. Wang, Li; Wang, Qingwen; He, Zhuoheng. The Common Solution of Some Matrix Equations, Algebra Colloquium, 23 (2016) 71-81.

  8. Huang, Wei-Min; Zhang, Li-Jie; Xu, Xin-Jian; Fu, Xinchu. Contagion on complex networks with persuasion, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 23766.

  9. Yuan, Xiying; Qi, Liqun; Shao, Jiayu. The proof of a conjecture on largest Laplacian and signless Laplacian H-eigenvalues of uniform hypergraphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 490 (2016) 18-30.

  10. Yuan, Xiying; Shao, Jiayu; Shan, Haiying. Ordering of some uniform supertrees with larger spectral radii, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 495 (2016) 206–222.

  11. Yuan, Xiying. Proof of a problem on Laplacian eigenvalues of trees, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 503 (2016) 180-189.

  12. Liu, Lele; Kang, Liying; Yuan, Xiying. On the principal eigenvectors of uniform hypergraphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 511 (2016) 430-446.

  13. Shi, Jun; Wu, Jinjie; Li, Yan; Zhang, Qi; Ying, Shihui. Histopathological image classification with color pattern random binary hashing based PCANet and matrix-form classifier, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2016 Aug 25. doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2016.2602823.

  14. Ying, Shihui; Qin, Han; Peng, Yaxin; Wen, Zhijie. Compute Karcher means on SO(n) by the geometric conjugate gradient method, Neurocomputing, 215 (2016) 169-174.

  15. Wen, Zhijie; Li, Zuojun; Peng, Yaxin; Ying, Shihui. Virus image classification using multi-scale completed local binary pattern features extracted from filtered images by multi-scale principal component analysis, Pattern Recognition Letters, 79 (2016) 25-30.

  16. Ying, Shihui; Wang, Yuanwei; Wen, Zhijie; Lin, Youcheng. Nonlinear 2D shape registration via thin-plate spline and Lie group representation, Neurocomputing, 195 (2016) 129-136.

  17. Wu, Guorong; Peng, Xuewei; Ying, Shihui; Wang, Qian; Yap, Pew-Thian; Shen, Dinggang. eHUGS: Enhanced Hierarchical Unbiased Graph Shrinkage for Efficient Groupwise Registration, PLOS One, 11 (2016): e0146870.

  18. Zu, Jiaqi; Liu, Qiaohua. A stable algorithm of simpler block GMRES, Communication on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 30 (2016) 51-59.

  19. Lin, Minghua. Remarks on two recent results of Audenaert, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 489 (2016) 24-29.

  20. Lin, Minghua. A singular value inequality related to a linear map, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 31 (2016) 120-124.

  21. Lin, Minghua. The Hua matrix and inequalities related to contractive matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 511(2016) 22-30.

  22. Lin, Minghua. A treatment on a determinant inequality of Fiedler-Markham, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 66 (2016) 737-742.

  23. Lin, Minghua. A determinantal inequality involving partial traces, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 59 (2016) 585-591.

  24. Lin, Minghua. Some inequalities for sector matrices, Operators and Matrices, 10 (2016) 915-921.

  25. Liang, Zuosong; Shan, Erfang; Kang, Liying. Clique-perfectness of claw-free planar graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 32 (2016) 2551-2562.

  26. Liu, Lele; Kang, Liying; Yuan, Xiying. On the principal eigenvectors of uniform hypergraphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 511 (2016) 430-446.

  27. Bai, Chunsong; Kang, Liying. The pos/neg-weighted 2-medians in balanced trees with subtree-shaped customers, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 32 (2016) 891-898.

  28. Liang, Zuosong; Shan, Erfang; Kang, Liying. Clique-coloring claw-free graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 32 (2016) 1473-1488.

  29. Wei, Qi; Kang, Liying; Shan, Erfang. Batching scheduling in a two-level supply chain with earliness and tardiness penalties, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 29 (2016) 478-498.

  30. Wang, Hongzhuan; Kang, Liying. Further properties on the degree distance of graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 31 (2016) 427-446.

  31. Shan, Erfang; Kang, Liying. w-Centroid and Least (w,l)-Central subtrees in Weighted trees, Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, LNCS, 10043 (2016) 693-701.

  32. Bai, Chunsong; Kang, Liying; Shan, Erfang. The connected p-center problems on cactus graphs, Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, LNCS, 10043 (2016) 718-725.

  33. Shan, Erfang; Kang, Liying. The General Facility Location Problem with Connectivity on Trees, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 32 (2016) 1106-1112.

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